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Causes of bubbles in screen printing press

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Causes of bubbles in screen printing press

Date:2017-12-02 Author: Click:

The cause of the screen printing machine tells you the cause of the bubble in the screen printing machine.

I believe most of the screen printing machine operator knows, screen printing machine in the printing substrate, sometimes the bubbles appear in the printing ink, which is a common problem in printing, experienced operator, know the problem, you can avoid the bubble generation, but also a new start of operation people do not know how to solve the printing bubble, there is the following small for everyone to share, causes the bubble screen printing presses.

Screen printing machine manufacturer

The main causes of bubbles are:

1. Poor prepress treatment

The substrate before printing, to keep clean, because the substrate surface is easily attached to dust, oil stains and other substances.

2. The printing speed is too fast or the printing speed is uneven

When printing, the printing speed can be reduced, and the uniformity of the printing speed can be kept.

3. The proportion of the ink adjustment is incorrect

When adjusting the ink, the proportion of adding defoamer is not correct. The amount of defoamer in the ink is generally 0.1 to 1%. If it exceeds the specified amount, it will play a foaming role.

4. Pay attention to the transparent ink, such as red, blue, green, etc.

Transparent ink, such as red, blue and green, has the characteristics of easy foaming because of the less organic pigment in the particles. If the corresponding diluent, tackifier or tackifier is added, the ink can be transformed into a stable printing ink.

After the ink transfer of screen printing machine, even if foaming, as long as the substrate is wet and the flow of ink is good, the bubbles on the surface of printing ink will be gradually eliminated, and ink will form a flat printing ink film. If the ink bubble is not eliminated, the ink film will form a circular, uneven surface. General ink bubbles through the screen, the screen effect can debubble. In addition, mixing ink with hot or boiling water will have good defoaming effect.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/357.html

