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Do you know how the high precision screen printing machine manufacturers choose screen printing machines

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Do you know how the high precision screen printing machine manufacturers choose screen printing machines

Date:2017-12-15 Author: Click:

Do you know how the high precision screen printing machine manufacturers choose screen printing machines?

Selection of screen printing machine skills:

1. Printing quality

Selection of screen printing machine, the most important thing is that its printing quality, this is the most basic. If the printing quality is too poor, the precision is not enough, and it is unstable, then the printed things will not go well.

2. Machine performance

In addition to having good printing quality, the stability of the screen printing machine is also very stable and important. If the stability is unstable, it will easily affect the printing efficiency.

3, reasonable price

Price is one of the most important aspects of the selection of screen printing machines. In general, it is possible to choose a reasonable price according to the actual demand. For example, the quality requirements of screen printing are relatively high in general high-tech enterprises, but the general enterprises do not need that high. Therefore, as long as we can satisfy the screen printing, we will achieve the desired printing effect.

4, supporting services

Service is indispensable in the selection process, according to their needs, understand the manufacturer's service status, want to print out their own satisfaction with work, coordination and cooperation to all aspects of the service can be satisfied with the demand is not afraid of India no good things.

5. After sale service

A good after-sales service screen printing machine manufacturers can save you a lot of unnecessary trouble. So in the selection of screen printing machine, you can also go to the actual inspection of the factory, and see how its after-sales service do. While Ebola can provide comprehensive professional services, customer service for you. Not only is the maintenance and maintenance of the equipment, as well as the full support of the technology. There will also be professional and technical personnel regularly or unregularly tracking the use of user equipment, let you use worry.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/368.html

