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Do you all know what items can be printed by screen printing machines made by the screen printing machine manufacturers?

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Do you all know what items can be printed by screen printing machines made by the screen printing machine manufacturers?

Date:2016-07-27 Author: Click:

Do you all know what items can be printed by screen printing machines made by the screen printing machine manufacturers?

Speaking of what objects can be printed by screen printing machines, it is very extensive. Almost all objects except screen for water and air, including other liquids and gases, can be used as substrates. Others say, if you want to find the ideal printing way on the earth to achieve the purpose of printing, it is probably the screen printing.


An object that can be printed by a screen printing machine.

1, printing paper, art printing, advertising, jhenuk, calendar, lantern paper etc.;

2, building materials printing - wallpaper, etc.

3, plastic plastic film - vinyl toys, bags, plastic bags and so on;

4, plastic plate - false metal composite material and various standard plates;

5. Production parts - instrument parts;

6, wood products printing, arts and crafts - lacquer, wooden crafts, toys;

7, processing semi manufactured goods -- sporting goods, boards, ceilings, signposts, signs, fake metal wrenches, billboards and so on.

There are also metal products printing, glass, ceramic products printing, signage, circuit board printing, printing and dyeing, leather printing, etc. These are printable.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/235.html

