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The operation process of screen printing press

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The operation process of screen printing press

Date:2017-12-15 Author: Click:

The screen printing machine manufacturer tells you the operation process of the screen printing machine

In our daily life, there are a lot of daily necessities are needed to screen printing machine for printing, such as clothing, photoelectricity, packaging, paper, wood, PCB circuit board products such as the above patterns, text, tags, are the use of screen printing machine for printing out the. So do you know the operation process of the screen printing machine? Below is a small editor for you.

Screen printing operation process:

1., check whether there are any corrosion or flammable goods on the printing equipment. Then turn on the total power of the machine, switch the power switch from green 0 to white 1, and confirm whether the total power is open.

2., turn on the compressed air and vacuum of the machine to confirm whether it meets the pressure requirement, that is whether the vacuum pressure is in the range of -0.65 -0.7MPa, and whether the compressed air pressure is in the range of 0.6 0.8MPa.

3. then wait for the screen printing machine to automatically start the computer, after starting the printing control program will be automatically loaded. If the screen printing machine the computer does not start automatically, so please start according to the following steps: control program, click --Start--Program--baccini--Print.exe, etc. after the program starts, activates the auxiliary circuit, press the control panel on the "AUXIZIARIES Starting" button to see the table at the same time factors flash, can be heard "bang".

Screen printing machine manufacturer

After the 4. and other machines have been opened, the printing can be started. When you start printing, you should take out the network version of the corresponding model, put it on the screen fixed frame, install the printer and press the F4 key to lock the net. To hear the "snap" of a sound, to use the hand to pull the net plate can not be pulled out. Then the scraper and the back ink knife are installed, and the corresponding process files are transferred.

5. a new process file must be used to reset the machine after a new process is transferred to the machine. The step of reset is to switch the machine mode to the automatic operation mode, hit the "Cycle reset" button, and reset the machine as a whole. Then we can see the information of reset in the "Alarm Message". After the reset is completed, until the oven temperature reaches the set, you can click on "Cycle Start" to start running the machine.

6. put the silicon wafer on the side of the film and put it into the carrying box, then pour the fully stirred paste along the direction of the scraper on the screen, and print it with white paper to ensure the integrity and uniformity of the printed electrode.

7. adjust the printing parameters so that printing meets the requirements of printing. Then, after the craft confirms the printing and drying process, press the "Cycle Start" button to run the machine, so that the machine will automatically transfer to the next process under the condition of automatic operation.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/363.html

