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Do you know how to prolong the service life of the screen printing machine?

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Do you know how to prolong the service life of the screen printing machine?

Date:2017-12-15 Author: Click:

With the progress of the society, the screen printing machine has been used by more and more people. Slow efficiency mode using screen printing machine can solve the hand of the ink, the ink changed hands the work efficiency is low, the printing product is not stable, skilled operators to work rely on defects. Therefore, when buying screen printing machines, users should learn how to choose screen printing machines, so that they can learn to extend their service life, so that enterprises can reduce costs and maximize profits. So do you know how to prolong the lifespan of the screen printing machine?

Screen printing machine manufacturer

Equipment maintenance is an important aspect of the service life of the screen printing machine. If we want to extend the service life of screen printing machine, we should insist on fixed time maintenance for equipment in the maintenance of equipment, so as to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment and extend its service life.

Its main contents generally include the following aspects:

1, the operator on duty to keep printing machine neat, shift will be the equipment on the ink and debris to clean up the surface and corrosion or flammable articles can be placed in the machine.

2, to ensure the drying of the gas source, do not let the screen printing machine put the water into the pneumatic parts. Lubricating oil is also added regularly in the machine's moving parts.

3, when the duty equipment operators begin to operate the machine, first check the gas source and power supply of the screen printing machine, then start the machine again. After the machine starts, let the machine idle for 3 to 5 minutes, listen carefully to the machine's abnormal noise. If the anomaly is found, it is necessary to check first, and if there is a problem, it is necessary to maintain a good place where problems can be done. The last thing to note is that the machine must be tightened before it operates.

As long as we do the above mentioned aspects in the daily use of screen printing machine, we can extend the service life of screen printing machine to a certain extent, and make the screen printing machine work longer.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/366.html

