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Do you know what the silk screen printing process principles of the silk screen maker are

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Do you know what the silk screen printing process principles of the silk screen maker are

Date:2017-12-15 Author: Click:

In the printing industry, all printing factory is through the use of screen printing ink through the mesh and part of the operation to complete, not in the text part, is mainly the process most commonly do not mesh ink for printing operation. But note that some ink in the printing operation when the need to invest in a screen on the other side, after the use of this tool will squeegee squeegee residual ink in screen printing on the part of all is to exert some pressure, at the same time to screen the other mobile end.

Screen printing machine manufacturer

The ink is moved by the scraper from the mesh hole of the graphic part to the seal in the movement. Due to the viscous effect of the ink blot. In a certain range, always in the process of printing scraper and screen printing plate and a line contact, the contact line with the scraper moves, due to maintain a certain gap between the screen and substrate, so that the screen printing plate through the tension and cause of the scraper the reaction, the reaction is called resilience. Due to the effect of resilience, the screen plate is only in contact with the movable line, while the other parts of the screen plate are disconnected from the bearing. It makes the ink and screen broken, ensures the precision of the printing size and avoids the rubbing of the dirty bearing material. When scraper wind up after the whole layout, and silk screen plate also raised, and the ink scraping back to the initial position.

Article url://ordosqmys.com/en/news/367.html

